KOR Chapter Bylaws
Bylaws for the Knoxville–Oak Ridge (KOR) Chapter of the
United States Naval Academy (USNA) Alumni Association
July 2011
Article I -Name
1. The name of this organization shall be the U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association, Knoxville-Oak Ridge (KOR) Chapter.
Article II – Objectives
1. The objectives of this Chapter shall be to:
a. Perpetuate the friendships and associations formed by the members through their common experience and interest in the U. S. Naval Academy (USNA) and the service of the Armed Forces of the United States.
b. Influence public opinion in the best interest of USNA and the service of the Armed Forces of the United States.
c. Form a nucleus around which Armed Forces Reserve organizations may attach themselves for the best interest of the U. S. Armed Forces and for mutual benefits.
d. Interest and guide the highest type of young officer candidates to seek out and gain admittance to USNA.Article III -Membership
1. Active Members
a. Any person who has been sworn in as a Midshipman for the regular course prescribed by the Academic Board for their class at USNA shall be eligible for membership in this Chapter.
b. Severance of connection with the Naval Service or any other Government Service by reason of moral disqualification, or conviction in a court of law for an infamous offense, shall be sufficient grounds for the exclusion or expulsion of any person otherwise eligible for membership in this Chapter.
c. An eligible person may be counted as a member as long as their name is on the mailing list and at least one mailing is done to the entire list every two years.
2. Associate Members
Officers of the U.S. Navy or Naval Reserve active, inactive, retired or resigned (under honorable conditions) who did not attend USNA are eligible to become an associate member. Admission to associate membership will be controlled by council vote in the same manner as for active members as described in paragraph 1 above.
3. Honorary Members
Any person who is generally known to the members of this Chapter because of their outstanding interest in USNA and their devotion to the U. S. Armed Forces shall be eligible to become an honorary member of this Chapter. Admission to honorary membership will be controlled by council vote in the same manner as for active members described in paragraph 1 above.
4. Any member may be suspended or expelled from membership in this Chapter for due cause by a three-fourths vote of the Council or may resign upon submission of their resignation in writing to the Secretary.
Article IV – Officers
1. The officers of the Chapter shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Networking Chairman and two Trustees. They shall be nominated and elected as herein provided. The President and the Trustees shall serve for a period of two years. The Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Networking Chairman shall serve for one year or until the election of their successors. The Secretary and Treasurer may be the same person. The Chapter shall be under the management of the above officers. All shall serve without compensation. The President and Vice President shall be active members. The Secretary, Treasurer and Networking Chairman may be an associate or honorary member.
2. The term of office shall normally begin on the first Wednesday in January at 12:01 pm.
Article V – The Council
1. The Council shall consist of the officers and Trustees.
2. Three of the Council shall constitute a quorum as long as at least two are active members.
3. The Council shall have general charge and control of the activities and properties of the Chapter not otherwise provided for.
Article VI – Duties of the Officers
1. President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and of the Council and shall exercise the powers and perform the duties usual to that office. The President may be called on to serve on committees of the National Association.
2. Vice President: The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President during his absence and assist the President in the execution of his duties.
3. Secretary and Treasurer:
a. Keep a record of the names and addresses of all the members of the Chapter.
b. Keep a record of all meetings of the Chapter and the Council and shall prepare and preserve the minutes of all meetings.
c. Receive all funds of the Chapter and invest these funds or deposit them for safekeeping as may be directed by the Council.
d. Provide a statement of receipts and expenditures on the first Wednesday in January of each year.
e. Provide members with copies of the minutes of all meetings.
f. Issue press releases and Shipmate articles.
4. Networking Chairman:
a. Be the clearinghouse for job openings within the Chapter’s geographic area.
b. Be the collection point for resumes within the Chapter’s geographic area.
c. Track the status of potential candidates for admission to USNA from high schools in the Chapter’s geographic area.
5. Trustee:
a. Attend Council meetings.
b. Serve on committees for the Chapter.
c. Serve on committees for the National President and/or CEO.
Article VII -Elections
1. Candidates for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Networking Chairman shall be nominated and elected by all members of the Chapter. The outgoing President will normally be one of the Trustees.
2. Voting shall be by ballot. Each member present is entitled to one vote. Voting by proxy is prohibited.
3. Where more than one person is nominated, the person receiving the majority of the votes shall be elected. Where no one receives a majority, the two candidates with the highest number of votes will participate in a runoff election. Should two candidates tie then the outgoing Council will determine the office holder.
4. Members may be reelected to any office as long as qualified.
Article VIII -Amendments
1. Any member at any regular meeting of the Chapter may propose any amendment to these bylaws. If approved by a majority vote of the active members present and voting at said meeting, the proposed amendment shall be submitted by the Secretary in writing to the members at least ten days prior to the next regular meeting. If said amendment is then approved by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at next regular meeting, it shall then become effective as a part of these bylaws provided the amendments are in accord with the aims and bylaws of the National Association.